الرمز | مواعيد الانعقاد | أماكن الانعقاد ورسوم الدورة | التسجيل والحجز | ||||||
| التسجيل والحجز | ||||||||
| التسجيل والحجز | ||||||||
التسجيل والحجز | ||||||||
التسجيل والحجز | ||||||||
| التسجيل والحجز | ||||||||
| التسجيل والحجز |
التدريب عن بعد .. باعتماد دولي
.. المشاركة للفرد 1450 يورو
المطلوب .. تحديد الدورة
.. عدد المشاركين .. موعد التنفيذ
التعاقد الجماعي … حسم 20%
للمشارك بأي مجموعة من خمسة وأكثر
أماكن أخرى لانعقاد الدورة :
كوالالمبور .. اسطنبول .. دبي .. القاهرة .. الرياض .. جدة .. ابو ظبي .. الدوحة .. مسقط .. شرم الشيخ .. الكويت .. طرابلس .. عمان .. دمشق .. تونس .. الدار البيضاء .. لندن .. باريس .. برشلونة .. امستردام .. بروكسل
معدات وأنظمة الأنابيب .. التطبيق والتصميم والتشغيل
حول الدورة:
The mechanical integrity and reliability of process equipment and piping systems can only be achieved if they are designed by competent engineers and operated and maintained effectively within the design envelope, namely, the integrity operating window (IOW).This course provides the appropriate mix of fundamentals, methodologies, best industry practices, and practical tools to enhance the competencies and improve the performance of design, operation and maintenance technical professionals individually and collectively with the objective of adding value to the organization and improving the plant safety and reliability.
اهداف الدورة :
سيتمكن المشاركون في نهاية الدورة من :
To increase the participants’ awareness and understanding that mechanical integrity of process equipment and piping systems depends jointly on the proper design, operation, condition assessment, and maintenance of the equipment, underscoring their vital individual and team roles in managing change.
Provide participants with practical and sound methods and tools to enable them to carry out basic design calculations for pressure equipment in accordance with applicable industrial codes, standards and best practices .
To provide the participants with a clear understanding of the degradation mechanisms that process equipment could be subjected to over their operating life, how to identify them, predict and determine their impact, and what appropriate measures can be taken to prevent and control the resultant damage .
To provide the participants with the knowledge and failure analysis skills they need to conduct damage and failure analysis so as to prevent similar failures from happening .
To enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in hazard identification and analysis; and in risk assessment and management .
الفئة المستهدفة :
المحاور العلمية للدورة :
Module 1 :
Process Equipment and Piping Systems: Application, Design & Operation
Key Design Considerations, Guidelines and Practices
Process Equipment – An Overview
Plant Integrity and Reliability
Interdependence of engineering, operation and maintenance
Management of change
Fitness for Purpose
Service conditions, equipment sizing and functional performance
Business-Focused-Facilities – Appropriate quality at lowest life cycle cost
Safety by Design
Worst foreseeable credible scenarios, safeguarding, best industry practices
Codes, Standards, Industry Practices
Compliance with Regulations and Acts – HS&E requirements and considerations
Design and Operation of Pressure Equipment
Pressure Vessels and Reactors
Materials of construction and standards
Basic Design Methodology
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections 2, 5, 8 and 9
Worked examples
Storage Tanks
Types and application; cone roof tanks, floating roof tanks
Basic design methodology
Overview of API 650
Piping Systems
Materials of construction and standards
Basic Design Methodology – hydraulic design, pressure integrity, mechanical integrity
ASME B31.1 and B31.3
Piping flexibility and support
Piping system components – valves and fittings; classes, ratings
Worked Examples
Overpressure Protection
Types and application of pressure relieving devices
Code requirements
Sizing methodology: API 520 and 521
Specific operation and maintenance requirements: API 576
Design and Operation of Thermal Equipment
Process Heaters
Types and configuration; box type, vertical cylindrical type
Thermal and mechanical design
API 560, API 530
Types and configuration; watertube, firetube and waste heat recovery boilers
Fundamentals of design and operation
Operating efficiency and testing
ASME B&PVC Section 1 and Section 4, ASME PTC-4
Heat Exchangers
Types and application; Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers, Plate Heat Exchangers, Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
Thermal and mechanical design
Overview of TEMA standards, API 660, API 661
Operation, fouling, and effectiveness
Design and Operation of Fluid Handling Equipment
Types and application; Centrifugal, Positive Displacement
Performance characteristics
Selection and design considerations and standards; ANSI, API 610
Worked examples
Types and application; Centrifugal, Screw, Reciprocating
Design considerations and standards
Operation and troubleshooting
Electric motors
Types and application
Operation and troubleshooting
Condition Monitoring
Vibration monitoring
Lubricating oil analysis
Methodology and guidelines
Reliability improvement
Degradation and Condition Assessment of Process Equipment
Degradation processes
Corrosion, erosion, fatigue, hydrogen attack
Overview of API 571
Industrial Failures and Failure Prevention
Inspection and Testing
Inspection strategies, plans and coverage – Real function of inspection
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) methods and their characteristics and applicability
Risk Based Inspection (RBI )
Overview of API 580 and API 581
Fitness-For-Service Assessment
Overview of API 579
Worked examples
Maintenance Strategies and Best Practices
Optimum mix of reactive, preventive and predictive methods
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM )
Module 2 :
Process Equipment & Piping Systems: Failures, Failure Prevention & Repairs
Failure Mechanics
Wear & Failure Mechanisms
Imperfections and Defects
Corrosion Mechanisms
Failure Modes
Creep & Thermal fatigue
Stress Corrosion Cracking, Other modes
Material properties, and selection
Carbon & Alloy steels
Nickel, Titanium, and Specialty alloys
Aluminum, aluminum alloys
Copper, copper alloys
Plastic piping
Alternative options-linings, cladding
Limitations and safeguards
Material selection – economics-life cycle costing
Failure Prevention By Design
Failure Causes – Design, Operation; Maintenance, Other Causes
Material properties, and selection
Physical properties and limitations of components
Physical properties of steel and alloy piping and tubing
Physical properties of fittings
Basic Design
Pressure Vessels
Piping Systems
Liquid Storage Tanks
Operation and Maintenance of Process Equipment
Damage Mechanisms Affecting Process Equipment
Process Equipment Failures
Failures in Pressure Vessels, Piping and Boilers
Strength reduction through material loss
Case histories
Piping System Vibration
Mechanical & Flow Induced Resonance
Transient Hydraulic pulsation
Pipe supports and restraints
Wind Loading
Industry Practices for Failure Prevention
Inspection, Assessment and Maintenance
Inspection Strategies Plans and Procedures – Risk Based Inspection (API 580 )
Developing an RBI Plan
Fitness-For-Service Assessment(API 579)
NDT Methods and Techniques
Probability of Detection
Damage Characterization
Selecting the correct technique(s)
Pigging of Pipelines
Smart pigging
Operational procedures
Operation and Maintenance
Maintenance Programs
Repair and Alteration of Pressure Equipment and Piping
Rerating Piping and Pressure Vessels
Estimation of Consequences of Pressure Vessels and Piping Failures
Failure Analysis Techniques
أسلوب ومنهجية التدريب لدى مركز الأعمال الأوروبي :
تقدم أعمالنا التدريبية بطريقة احترافية وجذابة .. تتخللها معلومات اعتراضية لتجديد الانتباه طوال فترة التدريب … ونهدف من هذه الوسيلة إلى متدرب يستمع ويتفاعل … بالإضافة إلى تطبيقات عملية تستهدف المهارات والمعارف المباشرة المطلوب تحقيقها .. وتقدم للمتدربين بأكثر من طريقة منها .. تمارين وتطبيقات عملية ..استقصاءات وأسئلة .. وقد تم اعتماد استراتيجية تدريبية تقوم على أساس المزاوجة ما بين النظري والمهني وما بين المحلي والعالمي .
ما الفائدة التي يحصل عليها المشارك من الدورة ؟
يحصل كل مشارك على شهادة تدريب معتمدة دولياً من مركز الأعمال الأوروبي للتدريب والتطوير … الحائز على شهادة الايزو في الجودة رقم 2015/900 من شركة يوكاس العالمية الإنكليزية .. ويحصل على حقيبة تدريب متضمنة المادة العلمية بواسطة فلاشة الكترونية … بالاضافة الى تدريب ممتع ومفيد ينعكس إيجابياً وتطوراً على الأفراد والمؤسسة
ملاحظة :
بإمكاننا تنفيذ الدورة التدريبية بأي مكان من المدن المشار إليها بهذه الدورة .. وبالموعد المناسب والمطلوب للمتدربين .. وذلك من خلال التنسيق المشترك مع إدارة التدريب لدى المركز .. ويتم تنفيذ التدريب بأسلوب مميز وفق أفضل معايير الجودة بحيث نلبي كافة المتطلبات والاحتياجات التدريبية .
الاعتمادات الدولية
حصل مركز الأعمال الأوروبي للتدريب والتطوير على اعتمادات دولية ورسمية ذات أعلى وأفضل المستويات العالمية علمياً وفنياً التي تعكس مستوى الآداء المتميز في أعمالنا التدريبية .. بحيث تحقق ما يطمح إليه كل مشارك بالحصول على أفضل الشهادات ذات المعايير العلمية والفنية المعتمدة رسمياً .