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1- Online Training...with international accreditation. The value of participation per person is €1,450
2-Requirement : specifying the course, number of participants
implementation date, and joint coordination.
Group contracting ... 20% Discount For Each Participant In Any Group Of Five Person Or More
Other Places To Hold The Course :
KualaLumpur.. Istanbul.. Dubai.. Cairo.. Riyadh.. Jeddah.. Abu Dhabi.. Doha.. Muscat.. Sharm El Sheikh.. Kuwait.. Tripoli.. Amman.. Beirut.. Damascus.. Tunisia.. Casablanca.. London.. Paris.. Barcelona.. Amsterdam.. Brussels
Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Process Plant Equipment and Connected Piping
Introduction :
Petroleum refineries, petrochemical and process plants have hundreds of pieces of equipment and thousand of meters of piping that handle hazardous and corrosive fluids and operate at wide ranges of temperatures and pressures. Plant integrity and reliability can only be achieved if this equipment and connected piping are designed properly and they remain fit for continued service between scheduled turnarounds.The design and fabrication of process equipment and piping systems are carried out in accordance with industry codes and standards. Fabrication and welding processes are subjected to defined examinations and inspections to ensure that any deficiencies found are resolved so as to meet the acceptance criteria of the respective codes.Once the new equipment and piping are put in service, they get exposed to the process fluids and start to undergo deterioration such as corrosion at various rates depending on the materials of construction and service conditions. It is therefore essential to know their current condition and the degradation rate so that appropriate repairs and maintenance can be carried out in a timely manner to prevent failures. Effective inspection and evaluation of the inspection data are vital for this purpose. The integrity of the plant cannot be achieved without effective inspection.Regular and reliable inspections are an integral part of any effective industrial plant maintenance program. The success of such a program relies greatly on the Non-Destructive Inspection (NDT or NDE or NDI) techniques used. Non-destructive inspection (NDT) techniques detect flaws that can cause potential failure in future. This way, NDT provides information on the integrity of the pipeline as well as a measure of its current safety margin. Hence, it is important to understand the scope and limitations of the common and advanced NDE tools that are available in order to maximize the effectiveness of each of the scheduled inspection activities.Furthermore, in today’s competitive environment plant operators need to reduce maintenance costs by minimizing downtime. Effective inspection contributes significantly to this objective.In this comprehensive and integrated course, you will gain a clear understanding of the damage and degradation mechanisms that affect process equipment and piping and progressively adversely affect their condition and fitness for continued service. You will also understand that effective inspection is the backbone of plant integrity and that it has significant impact on EHS and financial performance of the company. The course will increase you awareness of industry codes and best practices related to inspection, repair and alteration of process equipment and piping including ASME BPVC and various API codes, standards and recommended practices. The course also provides a sound and concise coverage of fitness-for-service assessment methodologies and API/ASME FFS standard to enable making run/repair/replace decision about the damaged equipment/piping. The course then covers the main industry codes and practices for repairs and alterations to enable you to achieve business focused repairs and lower maintenance costs.
Course Objectives :
At the end of this course, the participants will be able to :
To increase delegates awareness of the degradation and damage that affects equipment and piping in service and that knowledge of their condition and remaining safe life are crucial for safe and reliable plant operation.
To highlight the important function and significance of effective inspection on plant integrity, financial and EHS performance.
To make delegates aware of the benefits of risk-based inspection (RBI) and maximizing non-intrusive inspections (NII) on improved reliability and reduced maintenance costs.
To provide a clear understanding of the fundamentals of nondestructive inspection and the major NDT methods, their capabilities and limitations.
To make it clear that all deficiencies found by inspections must be evaluated and that some of the deficiencies may be deemed to be acceptable obviating the need for immediate repairs.
To provide methodologies for performing fitness-for-service assessments of damaged equipment/piping with the objective of making run/repair/replace decisions.
To increase awareness of applicable industry codes and best practices covering inspection, repair, and alteration of process equipment and piping.
Targeted Audience :
Course Outlines :
Inspection the Backbone of Plant Integrity
Significance of inspection throughout the life cycle
Inspection – Why? What? Where? How? When?
The real function of inspection
Regulatory requirements
Impact on plant integrity, safety, reliability and business performance
Inspection and the construction codes
Manufacturing , fabrication and repair/alteration deficiencies
QA/QC requirements in fabrication and welding
ASME BPVC requirements – Examination vs. inspection
ASME Code Case 2235-3 for Use of Ultrasonic Examination in Lieu Of Radiography
Fraudulent/substandard materials in code construction
Degradation and damage mechanisms affecting pressure equipment and piping
Overview of API 571- Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry
Areas of vulnerability in petroleum refineries
Injection points
Corrosion under insulation (CUI)
Soil-to-air interface
Integrity of structures and supports
In-service inspection – the big picture
Non Intrusive Inspections
Shutdown inspections
Inspector qualification and competence
API inspector certification
API Body of Knowledge
Inspection Strategies, Plans, Methods and Techniques
Inspection Strategies and Systems
External and internal inspections – limitations, costs and benefits
Inspection plans and procedures
Statutory requirements
Risk-based inspection (RBI)
Fundamentals and benefits
Overview of API RP 580 – Risk Based Inspection
Overview of API RP 581 – Risk-Based Inspection Technology
Non-destructive testing (NDT)
Highlights of main NDT methods and their application
Overview of ASME BPVC Section V – Nondestructive Examination
Advanced Inspection Techniques and best practices
Guided Wave Ultrasonic Long Range Inspection
Advanced Phased Array for weld inspection
On-line monitoring – Sensors typically used are strain gages, thermocouples, displacement transducers, and pressure transducers.
Case studies – Equipment incidents resulting from inadequate inspection
Inspection Codes Standards and Best Practices
Pressure vessel inspection – API 572, API 510
Fired boilers and heaters inspection
API 573 – Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters
ABSA AB 507 – Guidelines for the Inspection of Installed fired Heaters
FTIS -Furnace tube inspection system (Quest TruTec)
Inspection of Heat Exchanger, Condenser & Fin Fan Coolers Tubes
Aboveground storage tanks inspection
ANSI/API RP 575 – Guidelines and Methods for Inspection of Existing Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks, Second Edition
STI SP001- Standard for Inspection of Aboveground Storage Tanks
API 653 – Tanks Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction
API 12R1, Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation, and Repair of Tanks in Production Service
Piping and components inspection
API 574 – Inspection Practices for Piping System Components
API 570 – Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems
Pressure relieving devices – Code and regulatory requirements and best practices
API RP 576 – Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices
Pressure testing – Code requirements and best practices
Hydrostatic testing
Pneumatic testing
API Standard 936 – Refractory Installation Quality Control Guidelines – Inspection and Testing Monolithic Refractory Linings and Materials
API Inspector Certification
Evaluation and Analysis of Inspection Data
Inspection data verification and evaluation
Data completeness
Data quality
Data Management and Risk Assessment
Inspection Data Management System (IDMS)
Software System for Managing and Assessing Inspection Data
Reliable assessment of damages
Corrosion Rate calculations
Remaining Life Calculations
Fitness-for-service (FFS) assessment and remaining life determination
Fundamentals and industry practices
Overview of API Std 579-1/ASME FFS-1
Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) Plan
Appropriate mitigation activities
Workshop – Worked examples – Fitness-for-service of corroded pressure vessels and storage tank
Repair and Alteration of Process Equipment and Piping
Repair codes, standards and best practices – API 510, 570, 653
API 578 Positive material identification (PMI)
Post Construction Codes – Overview of ASME PCC-2
Repairs and Modifications
Temporary and Permanent Repairs
Welded Repairs – ASME BPVC IX
Mechanical Repairs
Specialized Repair Methods – Composites
Hot tapping and line stops – Key Considerations, Practices and Procedures
API 2201 – Safe Hot Tapping Practices in the Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries
European Business Center Training Methodology :
Our training work is presented in a professional and attractive manner.. Interspersed with interceptive information to renew attention throughout the training period… We aim with this method to train the listener and interact… In addition to practical applications that target the direct skills and knowledge required to be achieved.. It is presented to the trainees in more than one way.. Practical exercises and applications.. Surveys and questions.. A training strategy has been adopted based on pairing between the theoretical and the professional and between the local and the global.
What Does The Participant Get From The Course?
Each participant obtains an internationally accredited training certificate from the European Business Center for Training and Development … which has the ISO certificate in quality No. 9001/2015 from the English international company UKAS .. and receives a training bag containing the scientific material via an electronic flash … in addition to an enjoyable and useful training that is reflected Positive and developmental for individuals and the institution
Note :
We can implement the training course in any of the cities referred to in this course..at the appropriate and required time for the trainees..through joint coordination with the training department at the center..the training is implemented in a distinctive manner according to the best quality standards so that we meet all training requirements and needs.
International Accreditations
European Business Center for Training and Development has obtained international and official accreditations with the highest and best international levels scientifically and technically, which reflect the level of outstanding performance in our training work.. so that it achieves what each participant aspires to by obtaining the best certificates with officially approved scientific and technical standards.