EBC For Training & Development

Law and Judicial Sciences



Available Dates

Places & Fees


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


Istanbul .. Cairo .. Tunis .. Muscat

3250 €

Dubai .. Kuala Lumpur .. London

3850 €

Paris .. Singapore .. Barcelona


1- Online Training...with international accreditation. The value of participation per person is €1,450

2-Requirement : specifying the course, number of participants
implementation date, and joint coordination.

Group contracting ... 20% Discount For Each Participant In Any Group Of Five Person Or More

Other Places To Hold The Course :

KualaLumpur.. Istanbul.. Dubai.. Cairo.. Riyadh.. Jeddah.. Abu Dhabi.. Doha.. Muscat.. Sharm El Sheikh.. Kuwait.. Tripoli.. Amman.. Beirut.. Damascus.. Tunisia.. Casablanca.. London.. Paris.. Barcelona.. Amsterdam.. Brussels

International Commercial Arbitration

Introduction :

The Program on International Commercial Arbitration focuses on the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to handle international commercial arbitral cases either as counsel or arbitrator, both from the substantive and procedural law standpoint.The program explores different issues arising in the conduct of international arbitrations and the making and enforcement of arbitral awards by focusing on arbitration awards, court decisions in the area of arbitration, the interaction between national courts and international arbitral tribunals, national arbitration statutes, international arbitration treaties and the arbitral rules of leading international arbitration institutions.

Course Objectives :

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to :

  • Negotiation skills for agreeing on efficient arbitration clauses;
  • Legal writing skills for successful claims, responses, and other relevant pleadings;
  • Strategies to succeed in arbitration proceedings, including hearings;
  • Comparative legal approach to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

Targeted Audience :

Course Outlines :

Module 1 : Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration

  1. What is International Commercial Arbitration?
  2. Characteristics of “Arbitration”
    1. Arbitration is a Dispute Settlement Mechanism
    2. Agreement of the Parties
    3. Private Procedure
    4. Arbitral Awards are Binding upon the Parties
  3. Meaning of “International”
  4. Meaning of “Commercial”

Module 2 : International Commercial Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

  1. Institutional and Ad Hoc International Commercial Arbitration
    1. Institutional Arbitration
    2. Ad Hoc Arbitration
  2. Conciliation and Mediation
  3. Other forms of ADR

Module 3 : From Agreement to Clause

  1. Autonomy of the Arbitration Agreement
    1. What is an Arbitration Agreement?
    2. Autonomy or Separability
  2. Kompetenz-Kompetenz of the Arbitration Agreement
  3. Formation and Validity of the Arbitration Agreement
    1. Agreement Must Stem from Mutual Consent
    2. Legal Capacity of the Parties
    3. Written Agreement
    4. Agreement Must Refer to a Defined Legal Relationship
    5. Arbitrability
  4. Drafting an Arbitration Clause
    1. General Considerations about Drafting an Arbitration Clause
    2. Some Particular Issues to Consider when Drafting an Arbitration Agreement

Module 4 : The Arbitral Tribunal

  1. The Arbitrator and the Arbitral Tribunal
  2. Appointment of Arbitrators
    1. By the Parties
    2. By an Appointing Authority Established by the Parties
    3. By an Arbitral Institution
  3. Appeal against the Arbitrators and Replacement of Arbitrators
  4. Rights and Responsibilities of Arbitrators

Module 5 : The Arbitral Proceeding

  1. Applicable rules
  2. Initiation of the procedure
  3. The organization of the procedure: allegations and evidence
  4. Multi-Party Arbitration
  5. The arbitral award

Module 6 : Provisional Measures

  1. Types of provisional measures
  2. The competent authority: the arbitral tribunal or the court of justice
  3. Procedure applicable to provisional measures
  4. Enforcement of provisional measures

Module 7 : The Law Applicable to the Merits

  1. The principles applicable to the determination of the law applicable to the merits
  2. International public policy and other mandatory rules
  3. Questions related to the choice of forum
  4. The determination of the applicable law in case of absence of choice of forum by the parties

Module 8 : Setting Aside of the Award

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Aside in the UNCITRAL Model Law and National Arbitration Laws
  3. Grounds for the Setting Aside of Arbitral Awards
  4. Powers of the Courts of Justice in Setting Aside Procedures

Module 9 : Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Awards

  1. Voluntary and Forced Execution of the Award
  2. Scope of Application of the provisions of the NYC (Art. I)
  3. The Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements (Art. II)
  4. Referral by a Court to Arbitration (Art. II.3)
  5. Enforcement (Art. III)
  6. The Request for Recognition and Enforcement: Formal Requirements (Art. IV)
  7. The Request for Recognition and Enforcement: Grounds for Rejection (Art. V)

European Business Center Training Methodology :

Our training work is presented in a professional and attractive manner.. Interspersed with interceptive information to renew attention throughout the training period… We aim with this method to train the listener and interact… In addition to practical applications that target the direct skills and knowledge required to be achieved.. It is presented to the trainees in more than one way.. Practical exercises and applications.. Surveys and questions.. A training strategy has been adopted based on pairing between the theoretical and the professional and between the local and the global.

What Does The Participant Get From The Course?

Each participant obtains an internationally accredited training certificate from the European Business Center for Training and Development … which has the ISO certificate in quality No. 900/2015 from the English international company UCAS .. and receives a training bag containing the scientific material via an electronic flash … in addition to an enjoyable and useful training that is reflected Positive and developmental for individuals and the institution

Note :

We can implement the training course in any of the cities referred to in this course..at the appropriate and required time for the trainees..through joint coordination with the training department at the center..the training is implemented in a distinctive manner according to the best quality standards so that we meet all training requirements and needs.

International Accreditations

European Business Center for Training and Development has obtained international and official accreditations with the highest and best international levels scientifically and technically, which reflect the level of outstanding performance in our training work.. so that it achieves what each participant aspires to by obtaining the best certificates with officially approved scientific and technical standards.