Optimizing Equipment Maintenance & Replacement Decisions
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1- Online Training...with international accreditation. The value of participation per person is €1,450
2-Requirement : specifying the course, number of participants
implementation date, and joint coordination.
Group contracting ... 20% Discount For Each Participant In Any Group Of Five Person Or More
Other Places To Hold The Course :
KualaLumpur.. Istanbul.. Dubai.. Cairo.. Riyadh.. Jeddah.. Abu Dhabi.. Doha.. Muscat.. Sharm El Sheikh.. Kuwait.. Tripoli.. Amman.. Beirut.. Damascus.. Tunisia.. Casablanca.. London.. Paris.. Barcelona.. Amsterdam.. Brussels
Optimizing Equipment Maintenance & Replacement Decisions
Introduction :
Course Objectives :
At the end of this course, the participants will be able to :
- To focus on the techniques of optimization – the single most important thrust of this learning program. Whether the decision is about work-crew sizes, or the replacement of component-parts or entire equipment units, the concept of making the very best, most optimal, decision will be the principal concern of the training program.
- To equip the participating maintenance managers, planners and schedulers and engineers with the know-how to select the most appropriate analytical tools for their maintenance decision-making.
- Reflecting the growing focus of industrial safety and the profusion of safety-related litigation – think of transportation accidents, chemical spills, and mining disasters – the program will show how safety objectives relate to the optimization models, and will underline the advantages of having a well-documented and rigorously-executed program of maintenance and replacement.
- To introduce the critical decision-making topics that can make a significant difference to the in-service time of equipment, to the costs related to doing maintenance too often or too seldom, and the optimization of asset utilization.
- To not only cover the classic need-to-know material in the area, but to acquaint the participants with leading-edge and on-the-horizon approaches that they will encounter in the near future.
Targeted Audience :
The ideal candidate for this seminar is an Engineer, Professional of Plant operations, Facility Professional, Maintenance or Reliability professional who is responsible for maintaining and managing the physical equipment assets of a Plant/Facility. He or she represents large Facilities and Plants from industries such as Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and Fertilizer, Pulp and Paper, Cement and Ceramics, Power Generation and Utilities, Primary Metals, and Heavy Manufacturing and Facilities.
Course Outlines :
Day 1 – Physical Asset Management & Reliability Concepts
From Maintenance Management to Physical Asset Management
- Challenges of physical asset management
- The maintenance excellence pyramid
- Reliability through the operator: Total Productive Maintenance
- Reliability by design: Reliability Centered Maintenance
- Optimizing Maintenance & Replacement Decisions
Reliability Improvement through Preventive Maintenance
- Analysis of Component Failure Data
- Probability Density Function
- Reliability Function
- Hazard Function
- Weibull Density
- Infant Mortality
- Bath-Tub Curve
Exercise in Analysing Component Failure Data Using the Weibull Distribution
- Estimating the Weibull Parameters
- Using Median Rank Tables
- The role of the RelCode software Package
Dealing with Censored Data, the 3-Parameter Weibull, and the Kolomorgov-Smirnov
- Upper-End Censoring, Multiply Censored Group Data
- Estimating the Location Parameter in the Weibull Distribution
- Checking the Goodness-of-Fit of the Distribution
Day 2 – Reliability Improvement through Preventive Maintenance (continued)
- Component Replacement Procedures including Glasser’s Graph
- Block Replacement Policies
- Age-Based Replacement Policy
- Setting Policies based on Safety Constraints, Cost-Minimization and Availability-Maximization
- Repairable systems
Case Studies in Component Preventive Replacement
- Including boiler plant, bearings, pumps, sugar feeds, compressor valves, and centrifuges
Spare parts provisioning
- Fast moving spares
- Emergency (insurance) spares
Case studies in spares provisioning
- Including line replaceable units (LRUs), cylinder heads, repairable conveyor electric motors and utility transformers
Group and individual exercises
Day 3 – Reliability Improvement through Inspection
Inspection Frequency and Depth for equipment in continuous operation
- Inspection Intervals to Maximize Profit
- Maximizing Equipment Availability
- Inspection Intervals for Equipment Used in Emergency Situations (e.g. protective devices)
- Case studies including oil and gas field equipment such as pressure safely valves (for protective devices)
Health-Monitoring Procedures
- Proportional Hazards Modelling
- Spectroscopic Oil Analysis Programs
- Optimization of Condition-Based Maintenance Procedures
- Role of software for CBM optimization
- Case studies including food procession industry (vibration monitoring), pulp and paper and shipping equipment such as compressors (vibration monitoring) and diesel engines (oil analysis), turbines in an electrical generating station (pressure measurements)
Demonstration of software for optimizing condition-based maintenance decisions
Day 4 – Reliability Improvement through Asset Replacement
Aspects of Discounted Cash Flow Used in Capital Equipment Replacement Analysis
- Estimating the Interest Rate Appropriate for discounting
- Present-Value Calculations
- The effects of Inflation in the Analysis
- Calculating the Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC)
Economic Life of Capital Equipment
- The “Classic” Economic Life Model
- Before-and-After Tax Calculations
- The Repair-vs-Replace Decision
- Life-Cycle Costing
- Technological Improvement
Case Studies in Capital Equipment Replacement
- Including seamers in the food processing industry and combustion engines in the oil and gas sector
Group and individual exercises
Clinic: Hands-On Use of PC Software for Capital Equipment Replacement Analysis
- Participants will solve pre-set problems
Day 5 – Effective Use of Maintenance Resources
Organizational Structure, Crew Sizes, Workshop Resource Requirements
- Balancing Maintenance Costs against Plant Reliability
- Establishing the optimal number of machines to have in a workshop
- Resource Requirements Using Queuing Theory and Simulation
- Utilization of Outside Resources
- Lease-Vs-Buy Decision
European Business Center Training Methodology :
Our training work is presented in a professional and attractive manner.. Interspersed with interceptive information to renew attention throughout the training period… We aim with this method to train the listener and interact… In addition to practical applications that target the direct skills and knowledge required to be achieved.. It is presented to the trainees in more than one way.. Practical exercises and applications.. Surveys and questions.. A training strategy has been adopted based on pairing between the theoretical and the professional and between the local and the global.
What Does The Participant Get From The Course?
Each participant obtains an internationally accredited training certificate from the European Business Center for Training and Development … which has the ISO certificate in quality No. 9001/2015 from the English international company UKAS .. and receives a training bag containing the scientific material via an electronic flash … in addition to an enjoyable and useful training that is reflected Positive and developmental for individuals and the institution
Note :
We can implement the training course in any of the cities referred to in this course..at the appropriate and required time for the trainees..through joint coordination with the training department at the center..the training is implemented in a distinctive manner according to the best quality standards so that we meet all training requirements and needs.
International Accreditations
European Business Center for Training and Development has obtained international and official accreditations with the highest and best international levels scientifically and technically, which reflect the level of outstanding performance in our training work.. so that it achieves what each participant aspires to by obtaining the best certificates with officially approved scientific and technical standards.