EBC For Training & Development

Oil and Gas Sciences

Online Training

European Business Center For Training & Development .. It offers programs and courses for Oil and Gas Sciences – Online .. Distance training.. Where its importance increases and constantly need it .. It is officially and internationally accredited .. And what distinguishes us in Distance training is our selection of the best trainers and experts Through each targeted specialty .. and Required flexibility In choosing and specifying appropriate times for distance training .. and any distance training program is completely identical to direct training programs .. After completing the course, each participant receives an officially and internationally accredited training certificate .. In addition to the scientific material (( by USB)) sent to each trainee by express mail and E-mail .. Distance training has become more important now because of many benefits the most important is the following : Global reach .. Distance training provides access to educational and training resources from anywhere in the world .. 

This makes it easier for individuals to benefit from training and educational programs without having to travel .. Saving time and cost .. Virtual training reduces the need for travel and residence .. This saves time and a lot of costs associated with traditional training .. Schedule flexibility .. Distance training allows training and learning at any time and from any place that suits the individual which allows people to organize their time better .. Trainees can effectively interact and communicate with trainers .European Business Center  is depend international scientific accreditation for all its training courses .. It plays a role in enhancing the quality and credibility of distance training activities for many reasons including : International recognition , International accreditations help in enhancing recognition of the quality and effectiveness of distance training

.. Quality Assurance , International accreditations set high standards for the quality of training and distance learning .. Increase confidence , International accreditations help In Building confidence between trainees and employers in the effectiveness and quality of training .. Motivate development and innovation .. International accreditation encourages continuous development and innovation by setting standards which motivates on improving performance

Welcome to the World of European Business Center For Training & Development

Oil and Gas Sciences - Online


Training Courses...

Oil And Gas


P 1

Integrated Reservoir Modeling: Interpretation, Evaluation, and Optimization with Petrel

P 2

Essential Data Science for Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers

P 3

Characterization, Evaluation and Enhanced Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

P 4

Petroleum Decision and Risk Analysis

P 5

Deepwater Drilling Design and Operations

P 6

ECLIPSE Black oil Reservoir Simulation

P 7

Operations and Wellsite Geology

P 8

Petroleum Systems and Exploration and Development Geochemistry

P 9

Drilling Project and Risk Management

P 10

Applied Statistical Modeling and Data Analytics for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists

P 11

Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes: Chemical, Miscible, and Thermal

P 12

Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals

P 13

Introduction to Coiled Tubing Operations

P 14

Design, Diagnosis and Optimization of Gas Lift Systems

P 15

Digital and Robotics Drilling technology for different levels of Autonomous Drilling

P 16

Reservoir Management and Monitoring

P 17

Directional Drilling and Surveying

P 18

Applied Machine Learning for Reservoir Characterization, Petrophysics and Surveillance - Physics Inspired Principles, Applications and Workflows

P 19

Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling: Standard Approach and Best Practices

P 20

Fuel Gas System-RILS

P 21

Oilfield Water Management

P 22

A Strategic Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration

P 23

Stuck Pipe and Hole Cleaning

P 24

Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Modeling

P 25

Statistics and Petrophysics

P 26

Prospecting and Producing of Geothermal Energy

P 27

Applied Project Management - Oil and Gas

P 28

Dynamic Pressure Drilling (DPD)

P 29

Drilling Optimization

P 30

Drilling Fluids

P 31

Introduction to Drilling

P 32

Water Treatment and Injection System

P 33

Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Logistics and Operations

P 34

Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Accounting & Performance Measurement

P 35

Oil & Gas Technology for Non-Petroleum Professionals

P 36

Asset Integrity of Onshore and Offshore Oil Production Systems

P 37


P 38

Compressor & Pump Technology

P 39

Concrete Structural Design for Industrial

P 40

Crisis Management & Emergency Response for the Oil and Gas Industry

P 41

Finance & Accounting


the Oil & Gas Industry

P 42

Gas Production Engineering GPO

P 43

Hydrocarbon Production Operations MBA

P 44

Hydrostatic Pressure Test According to ISO 9080 and ASTM D2837

P 45

Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Process Plant Equipment and Connected Piping

P 46

Instrumentation Diagrams & Symbols Application

P 47

Managing Project Risks


the Oil & Gas Industry

P 48

Materials Engineering Control

P 49

Materials of Construction


Process Equipment and Piping Systems

P 50

Oil & Gas Operational Safety Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems

P 51

Oil and Gas Laboratory Operations Management MBA

P 52

Oil and Gas Marine Terminals Operations, Management and Safety

P 53

Oil and Gas Processing Flow Measurement

P 54

Oil and Gas Project Management

P 55

Operation and Maintenance The Equipment of Oil & Gas Production

P 56

Planning And Scheduling Petroleum Refining Production

P 57

Pipes and Piping Systems Optimisation

P 58

Piping Materials and Flexibility

P 59

Power Generation

P 60

Equipment & Piping Systems

Application, Design & Operation

P 61

Equipment & Piping Systems

 Failure Prevention and Repairs

P 62

Pumps, Valves .. Selection and Maintenance

P 63

Refinery Process Yields Optimisation

P 64

Risk Assessment & Management

for Oil & Gas Projects

P 65

Preparation of Piping and Instrumentation

P 66

Surface Production Operations